My Index fund and ETF Q1 2020 portfolio review
TLDR - Jan to March 2020 Index fund & ETF portfolio review
Jan to Mar 2020
What a quarter has it been? The craziness in the last quarter is something we don’t see EVER. This fall in the market has been the sharpest, taking the shortest time to drop by close to 30% in the history of the stock market not just in India but across the globe. Not even the great depression in 1929 had such a fall.
Key index returns
How was the market return on key indexes for the last 3 months
Sensex = (31.6) %
Nifty = (32.2)%
Nifty next 50 = (27) %
Nifty mid cap 100 = (33.1) %
Nifty Small cap 100 = (39.7) %
That is a massive correction. The likes of which you have never seen, not even during the GFC in 2008/9.
My ETF Investments
As mentioned in my previous post about my move to . I have not had any transactions against ETFs this quarter. But how does my ETF portfolio look like after the rout?
Portfolio from Jan 2018 to Apr 2020
It is brutal. Overall portfolio is down 25%. It is more or less inline with the index performance as expected.
My Kuvera Index funds
I have been slowly adding every month to this but as luck would have it, most of the monthly buys are at the peak at the start of the month. So it has been beaten down a lot.
I am going to continue down this path of monthly SIPs as per normal. I had previously talked about possibly increasing my investments based on the market fall, I have not done that yet in favour of prioritising my emergency fund goals first as detailed in this post.
How has your portfolio held up during this quarter? Did you exit any positions? Did you stick to your plan? Did you add more?
Leave your comments below.
Happy Investing - #MyFatFIRE