My Index fund and ETF Q4 2022 portfolio review
TLDR - October to December 2022 Index fund & ETF portfolio review
October to December 2022
If I copied over the content from the previous quarter it would be exactly the same. The fears and concerns are the same between Q3 and Q4. Like I mentioned earlier
War in Ukraine has seem to have no end in sight
Crude prices up
Inflation still at an all time high across the globe
Fed rate increase is expected to push up borrowing costs across the world
The Recession word is being bandied around
With the collapse of the crypto market completely thanks to FTX, there is hardly any asset class that has not seen the brunt of the market.
Equities globally has been down
Given the new bond offerings are providing higher yield, existing bond holders see their yields fall
REIT are down as well - thanks to interest rate hikes
As mentioned earlier Cryptos have crashed
Gold has been flat at best
Key index returns
A small change in the index returns calculation, NSEINDIA provides TRI (Total Returns Index) values, so from this quarter I am using TRI data instead of index performance.
How was the market return on key indexes for the last 3 months ending 31-Dec-22?
Nifty = 6.06 %
Nifty next 50 = -0.4 %
Nifty mid cap 150 = 2.4 %
Nifty small cap 250 = 3.18 %
The Indian market has generally avoided the worst of the downturn, thanks to its consumption driven economy and side deals that India was able to make with Russia on cheaper crude than the market. So the market at best has been marginally better with the bulk of the gains in the top 50 companies represented by NIFTY.
My ETF Investments
No new investments into ETFs, so these are just organic growth
Current value 3-Jan-23
My Kuvera Index funds
Current value as of 3-Jan-23
My overall XIRR at the end of each of the quarters this year
Q1 2022 - 27%
Q2 2022 - 10.7 %.
Q3 2022 - 18.49%
Q4 2022 - 16.65%
Lots of movements in all directions. Interesting that there is so much variation within a year.
What is your take? How did your portfolio perform in the last quarter of the year? Did you stick to your plan? Did you add more?
Score card for 2022 coming soon in the next post.
Leave your comments below.
Happy Investing - #MyFatFIRE