Goals - 2021 Review & 2022 Goals
TLDR: How did I fair with my goals
At the start of 2021, I had set myself some very ambitious goals for the year. You can read about them in the link here - Goals for 2021.
This post will be on whether I managed to meet these goals and how did I fare? Lets go.
Personal goals
Goal for 2021 - Lose 10% of my weight this year as well.
Actual: 4.72%
Weight loss each year
Losing 10% every year is very difficult. I had mostly cut out fried foods, all fast food, cakes, chocolates, sweets of any kind for the whole of the year. Still it was tough to lose 10%. I think a more reasonable 5% would have made more sense. Let us see how 2022 goes.
I will give myself a grade of D
Goal for 2021 - Lose 5 % of my weight this year.
Goal for 2021
Walk a minimum of 60 KM every month starting in Jan and reach a total of 120 KM by end of the year
Complete 20 days of exercise ring on apple watch
96 KM average per month
9 months closed all 20 days
I will give myself a grade of B, since I didn’t increase the rate as planned even though the average is well about the plan
This one was a difficult item to calculate. I managed to average 96 KM per month of walking but it was not accelerating through the year but rather stayed consistent. So I would call this partially met.
Exercise rings
3 months I could not close all my rings for 20 days because of vaccination ( 2 doses + 1 booster) post which you are asked to not work out for 2 weeks. So I couldn’t close my rings for those 3 months. Again I would put this under partially met
I will give myself a grade of B+
Goals for 2022
Walk a minimum of 100 KM every month
Complete 20 days of exercise ring on apple watch every month
Goal for 2021 - Complete 300 minutes of mindfulness practice every month.
A complete failure here, I didn’t anywhere near 300 minutes every month. I averaged about 150 minutes a month. Meditation takes a back seat when you are busy running around doing stuff. But that is the reality in times like these that we need to find time to meditate.
I will give myself a grade of D
Goal for 2022 - Complete 300 minutes of mindfulness practice every month.
Goal for 2021 - 7 hours of sleep every night
Did I get 7 hours of sleep every night, no. But overall average for the year is 7 hours and 13 minutes based on my apple watch history. So days were bad, some days were good. One thing that I consistently see impacting sleep quality is alcohol. Mind you, I am not a heavy drinker and don’t really do anything other than a couple of beers or the occasional wine no hard spirits. But it does impact your sleep quality in terms of how deep you sleep, your respiratory rate and sleep depth.
My grade for sleep goal is a A.
Goal for 2022 - 7 hours of sleep every night
Goal for 2021 - Read a total of 25 non fiction books in 2021
How did i fare? I managed to read/Listen to 6 non fiction books this year in no particular Order
Liftoff - Eric Berger - on the Space X story
The Code Breaker - Walter Issacson - on the mRNA technology behind the COVID vaccines
Scream Free Parenting - Hal Runkel LMFT - On scream free parenting (Duh)
The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexandar - on Jim Crow policies of America post slavery
Black red necks and While liberals - Thomas Sewell - A counterpoint of the above book
Immune: A Journey Into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive - Philipp Dettmer - of the kurgerzat fame on Youtube On immune systems
Much lesser than what i anticipated. I did read a lot of fiction and listened to a ton of different podcasts as well. But I am far from the goal for the year
My grade for the reading goal is D
Goal for 2022 - Read a total of 20 non fiction books in 2022
India & global Portfolio
Goal for 2021 - DCA/SIP into portfolio every month
I am happy to report that I have continued with goal of doing a DCA every month in all my portfolios, India, Singapore and global every month without fail. I have also managed to increase the contributions by 10% in 2021. You can read more about it in my previous posts here -> Year in review 2021
My grade for this is a solid A+
Goal for 2022 - DCA/SIP into portfolio every month with a 10% increase from 2021
Monthly Savings Rate (MSR)
Goal for 2021 - MSR at 30%
Again you can read about it here - Year in review 2021, My MSR was 40% in 2021, so handsomely beat the target of 30%.
My grade for this is a solid A+
Goal for 2021 - MSR at 30%
So how did I fare overall? I think some category especially the financial ones were stellar. Some of the personal goals not so much. Let us hope that I can keep the financial goals at the same rate and improve on my personal goals in 2022. Want to find out how it went, follow the blog for updates.
What were you goals for 2021?
How did you fare compared to your goals?
What are your goals for 2022?
Leave your comments below
Good luck and Happy Investing.