Goals - 2022 Review & 2023 Goals
TLDR: How did I fair with my goals
At the start of 2022, I had set myself some very ambitious goals for the year. You can read about them in the link here - Goals for 2022.
This post will be on whether I managed to meet these goals and how did I fare? Lets go.
Personal goals
Goal for 2021 - Lose 10% of my weight this year as well.
Actual: I gained 3%
Weight loss each year
I am well on my target to lose 5% target until July. Second half of the year went in the opposite direction. Not the result that i was hoping to achieve but I am sure I will turn it around this year.
I will give myself a grade of F
Goal for 2022 - Lose 5 % of my weight this year.
Goal for 2022
Walk a minimum of 100 KM every month
Complete 20 days of exercise ring on apple watch every month
124 KM average per month
11 months closed all 20 days
I will give myself a grade of A- . I didn’t get all 12 months for my apple watch.
Goals for 2022
Walk a minimum of 130 KM every month
Complete 20 days of exercise ring on apple watch every month
Goal for 2022 - Complete 300 minutes of mindfulness practice every month.
A complete failure here, I didn’t go anywhere near my meditation goals. It was a complete rout.
I will give myself a grade of F
Goal for 2023 - Complete 300 minutes of mindfulness practice every month.
Goal for 2022
- 7 hours of sleep every night
6 hours and 49 minutes
My overall sleep did suffer last year because we managed to move our younger one to her own bed, but she hasn’t adapted fully yet. So she wakes up in the middle of the night
if we are lucky - come to our bed and sleep.
If we were unlucky - sit up on the bed and steam for mama
Didn’t help as I am an extremely light sleeper, any minor noise, light will disturb my sleep. Hope to do better in 2023.
My grade for sleep goal is a B.
Goal for 2022 - 7 hours of sleep every night
Goal for 2022 - Read a total of 20 non fiction books in 2022
I didn’t read a single non fiction book in 2022. I had subscribed to so many podcasts this year, I never had time for books. My reading habit has suffered. My eyes are not the same as they used to be. I have reading glasses now and the thought of have to read books wearing glasses tired me out. So no books for me this year.
My grade for the reading goal is FFFF
Goal for 2023 - Listen to 5 non fiction audio books
India & global Portfolio
Goal for 2022 - DCA/SIP into portfolio every month with a 10% increase from 2021
Stuck to the plan and really the only item that I can confidently say that it has been achieved completely.
My grade for this is a solid A+
Goal for 2023 - DCA/SIP into portfolio every month with a 10% increase from 2022
Monthly Savings Rate (MSR)
Goal for 2021 - MSR at 30%
I didn’t quite get there, I have covered that in detail here. I only managed 25% so that is a big gap.
My grade for this is B-
Goal for 2022 - MSR at 30%
So how did I fare overall? I think some category especially the financial ones were stellar. Some of the personal goals not so much. Let us hope that I can keep the financial goals at the same rate and improve on my personal goals in 2023. Want to find out how it went, follow the blog for updates.
What were you goals for 2022?
How did you fare compared to your goals?
What are your goals for 2023?
Leave your comments below
Good luck and Happy Investing.